Why Worship?

Worship in the Hebrew language means to “bow down.” Do you remember the day that Jesus crashed into your life? Somehow, somewhere you heard the Gospel, the Good News! What glorious news! As a sinner, you recognized your desperate need for a savior and cried, “Jesus I surrender”! The surrendered life, what a wonderful thing! We live now as born again believers. We operate in a constant state of surrender and gratitude, knowing that even though we deserve hell, we have become, through the cross, the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. As we gather together, our worship, our singing and praise, flows out of this revelation, this surrendered life. We “bow down”.
David directs us to, “Give unto the LORD the glory due unto his name; worship the LORD in the beauty of holiness” (Psalm 29:2). Jesus said that God is pleased with our worship and seeks those who will “worship Him in Spirit and Truth.” (John 4:23-24) This is the high calling of every believer.
Oh what a wonderful thing to be Children of the Living God! Let us come before the Lord with joy and gratitude for the mercy we’ve been shown and the grace by which we’re saved.
Live in peace Christians, you have been set free! Sing with abandon. Surrender, worship, “bow down.”

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