On the Road With My Son

Traveler’s Tip #346  
I’ve stood on a corner in Winslow Arizona but I didn’t see any girl or flatbed Ford. I saw a desert storm roll across the horizon. The sky above Winslow can hold a lot of thunder. 

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Mountain Men, Merle Haggard, and Bathrooms

Traveler’s Tip #345 
Passing through Southern Idaho? You might check-in to the Declo Hotel. Although I have the feeling the shadows that linger there are pretty fresh. And it’s a known fact some have heavier footsteps than others… 

Greetings travelers…

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And then... Joy

Traveler’s Tip #344 
Somehow Michelle and I missed winter this year. And somehow…that’s okay. 
“Lord I believe. Help my unbelief!” 
Remember that guy? If I believed in reincarnation, which I don’t, then I think could have been him in a…

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Common Senselessness - John Wayne for President

Traveler’s Tip #343 
Hang in there, amigos. The road’s a little rough but the end of the story is going to be awesome.  
It’s Super Tuesday today and here’s the view from my neck of the woods. In one corner…

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Camping with Knuckleheads

Traveler’s Tip #342
If you happen to pass Calvary Chapel Cypress in the Los Angeles area, look up Maria. Let her take your picture. Yes, it’ll take her 20 minutes to figure the camera out but her unfiltered joy will

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All Things...

Happy Daughters Day to Willow Storm. Who could ask for more?

Traveler’s Tip #341
If you stop at Wall Drug in South Dakota you can have your picture taken on a horse-size, concrete jackalope… So that’s nice.

Coming to you…Read more

The Wife of My Youth

Traveler’s Tip #340
If you see an overlook beside the road, pull off and look back. It’s good to see where you’ve traveled. But when you’re done, don’t forget to get back in the truck and start driving again. TheRead more

Rope Burns

Traveler’s Tip #339
“The best way to find out if you can trust somebody is to trust them.”
      ― Ernest Hemingway

“I’ve thought about it,” Luke said. “I’m hanging on to a rope a thousand feet in the air overRead more

Donald Trump's Hair and Other Great Band Names

Willie MacNelson Keeps a Wary Eye on the Evil Machine

Traveler’s Tip #338
Stop along the way. Break bread, fellowship, laugh. And be sure to stop talking long enough to listen to The Least of These—you never know what theRead more

Picking Out a Cross Necklace for Bill Maher

Traveler’s Tip #337
They say you can never go home. That’s not true—but sometimes it’s a really long drive.
It’s a beautiful morning in Oroville, California. I have a feeling that happens a lot here. The people at the Super…Read more